華航🌸China Airlines B747 空中女王 后翼起飛 Farewell Party

Yuyu Lin
7 min readMar 24, 2021



從早上7:47開始,歷時十個小時的「空中女王 后翼起飛」告別活動在全機滿載375名旅客,外加機組人員、工作人員及在觀景台苦等的航空迷的見證下,飛行至日本靜岡縣富士山上空,完美的採偽出國方式,起飛但不降落,與日本神山-富士山做最後一次也最具紀念價值的會面。



March 20th 2021 marks China Airlines Boeing 747–400’s last flight before official resignment.

After serving for over twenty years, registration no. B-18215 not only is the very last -400 Boeing ever built but also once brings the president to visit foreign countries.

The Queen of the Sky Farewell Party lasted for ten hours starting from 7:47 a.m., including a six-hour fly-to-nowhere trip, taking solid booked 375 pax and cabin crew to pay great tributes to Mt. Fuji, also known as Queen in Japan.

Although Mt. Fuji couldn’t be seen in the full picture, not to mention it was only a fly to nowhere, the whole farewell party still fulled of exciting activities, leaving all the pax and staff precious unforgettable memories.

This article keeps a detailed record of the whole events in chronological order, presenting the very last chance to pay tribute to our Queen of the Sky.

7:07 a.m. 觀景台已擠得水洩不通 TPE’s observatory deck was crowded with anticipated Avegeeks.
7:10 a.m. 有幸運搶到票的乘客們已迫不及待在櫃台前等候 Luckily-got-tickets paxs awaited in front of the check-in desks.


Only 375 paxs got to board the plane and experience the last flight with our Queen.

7:47 a.m. 準時開檯! Check-in counters opened on time!
8:00 a.m. 終於!!! 睽違一年的飛行! 還有check in完的小禮品part1! Finally!!! Here we fly again after one-year await! And part1 souvenir.


But I’d used up all my luck on getting the ticket, aisle seat only…

8:30 a.m. 女王已經預備就為迎接我們了! Here’s our Queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen B-18215!!!
8:55 a.m. D6登機口集合! See you at Gate D6!
9:00 a.m. 簽名紀念!大家來找我~ Signature plz! Spot mine?
9:21 a.m. 準備登機(參觀)! Ready for the onboard tour!
9:30 a.m. 還規定只能走頭等/商務艙,真困擾~ Only first and business class available.
9:35 a.m. 頭上有黃金?! 原來是每架飛機獨有的身分證編號! Gold above the head? Ah, it’s actually the registration number, unique to every aircraft.
先讓我們來看看飛機內部座椅配置圖,一樓有頭等艙、部分商務艙及經濟艙;上層則全為商務艙。Let’s take a look at the cabin configuration first: First-class, partial business-class and economy are all on the ground floor, while the upper deck is exclusive for business. RESOURCE: SeatGuru
9:40 a.m. 可全躺平式頭等艙座椅,共12個位子(腳空間大到我差點放不到前方小椅墊xd)。12 flat bed seats for First-class. (The legroom is too extra wide for me to reach the footrest in the front lol)
9:45 a.m. 頭等商務大評比! First or Business?!
9:50 a.m. 商務艙採232座位配置,共49位,且為真皮座椅。49 Business-class seats in a 2–3–2 configuration with real leather cover.
9:55 a.m. 服務過747的兩代華航制服! Two-generation uniforms that once served on B747.
10:00 a.m. 回到候機室迎接更多精彩小活動! Here we’re back to the lounge for more pre-flight events!
彩球摸獎! 冷知識: 櫻桃小丸子樂園在靜岡! Lucky draw time! Anyone is Chibi Maruko’s fan? Her hometown is in Shizuoka FYI ;p
照相紀念時間! Photoshoot booth!
B747的各種周邊! 右圖右上747銀色天合聯盟塗裝為全世界唯一一架! All the merch and souvenir of 747’s Farewell Party! p.s. the silver aircraft model in the right pic is the very only 747 in SkyTeam livery!
即將無用的地線... To be a useless line…
亂入747聚會xd Invited to 747s gathering!
那個布條是不是熟悉熟悉!?對ㄉ就是剛剛前面簽名留念的! Isn’t the banner looks familiar? Yep! it’s the one we left our signature on!
11:25 a.m. 玩了好久,終於要登機了!!! Finally!!! Boarding time!
獨有的747 logo椅背套! Exclusive 747 logo headcover!
有發現那個飛機特別高特別厚嗎?! 完全是雙層飛機才有的樣子! Notice that the aircraft figure is extra thick? Super cute double-deck image!
B747 逃生安全指南! 最後一次使用而且可以帶下機! B747 safety instruction: used for the very last time and welcomed to take it home!
11:35 a.m. 左右護法 護送我們起飛的朋友們! The other two 747s with special liveries saw us off on both sides!
12:00 p.m. 好久不見的平流層! Hello, sky! Haven’t seen you in a while!
12:15 p.m. 上層商務艙,離引擎更遠了 Here we go to the upper deck! Far far away from the wings …
雙層飛機特有的階梯! Iconic stairs in 747!
747粉無誤! 747 fan for real!
1:00 p.m. 送餐時間,請各位回到座位上享用精心準備的餐點~ Time for lunch! Plz everyone, get back to ur seat!
1:05 p.m. 今天的餐點選擇有: 櫻花蝦炒麵或親子丼飯,還附贈可愛的抹茶餅乾~ Today’s servings are Sergestid Shrimp fried noodles or Oyakodon with matcha cookie~


As you can see, airlines’ are cutting their hot fresh services, substituted with sealed simple options to prevent contraction possibilities.

1:30 p.m. 吃完繼續到處拍拍看風景~ Continue sightseeing tour onboard.
2:10 p.m. 即將進入靜岡縣的空域! Almost arriving at Shizuoka’s air space!
2:20 p.m. 我們的女王二號!!! And here’s our Queen Mt. Fuji!
雖然雲層遮擋了部分,但難掩大家的興奮! Covered up by thick clouds but our excitement can’t be hidden!
我還真的有擔心一秒飛機會不會右傾,當大家左右換邊在追富士山的時候... It occurred to me for one sec whether the plane would tilt when everyone flocked to the side where Mt. Fuji was at!
2:30 p.m. 舉杯敬我們的空中女王747! Let’s toast! TO THE QUEEN OF THE SKY!
3:00 p.m. 化身小迷妹跑去跟機組人員要簽名>< Fangirling time! Asking for crew members’ signature!
3:30 p.m. 頒發超精緻搭機證書! 內附有該台飛機的詳細資訊及具代表意義的登機証明。Here we got our boarding certificate with further details of the B-18215 aircraft for this memorable flight.
4:30 p.m. 下午茶時間! Tea time! Strawberry cupcake


This is a quite meaningful activity: each of us got two postcards, Mt. Fuji and Chibi Maruko, and were asked to write our own address and whatever we like on the back of the latter. After the Shizuoka tourist bureau staff get back to Japan, they’re gonna send out those from there to Taiwan as a commemorative gift.

5:00 p.m. 旅程即將來到尾聲了嗚嗚 We’re almost there back to TPE…
抓緊最後時光找當天很有緣的機組姊姊拍照!真的是辛苦他們了>< Last chance! Took a pic with my favourite cabin crew of the day!
5:15 p.m. 興奮了一整天大家也累了 After the whole-day excitement, avgeeks finally wore out.
5:20 p.m. 最終抵達桃園機場國家大門qqq Didn’t feel like to, but time to face the music and get back home.


Farewell to my four engines buddy. You’ll always hold a special place in our heart.

✈️詳細資訊 More Details✈️
飛機型號 Aircraft type: Boeing 747–409
航空公司 Airline: China Airlines 🌸
飛機編號Fleet no.: B-18215
班機號碼Flight no.: CI2747
年齡 Age: 15 years
註冊國 Country of registration: Taiwan 🇹🇼

還想用聽的 知道更多細節嗎?


那就打開你的ig 追蹤@wtf_what.the.flight

並且在podcast收聽SP1. 空中女王 后翼起飛

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Yuyu Lin
